NEMS and Wu Yee Children’s Services are partnering together to provide child development workshops, early reading programs, and interactive playgroups in Cantonese for pregnant families and families with children 0 -18 months old. When it comes to caring for children, we believe that no parent should have to go at it alone!

All activities are free and held virtually every month and may include incentives for participants after completion. You are not required to order or receive any items or services from NEMS in order to receive any items offered through the programs. These programs include:

Healthy Babies, Bright Futures program welcomes all pregnant families to learn more about early learning, healthy development, and community resources for you and your baby.
Available Dates (pick one): 9/12, 10/3, 11/7, 12/5 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am OR 8/17, 9/21, 10/19, 11/16, 12/14 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm via Zoom
To learn more, click here to view or download the workshop flyer (in English and Chinese).

Pages in Stages program is an early reading program for parents of babies from 2-4 months old.
Available Dates (pick one): 8/9, 9/13, 10/11, 11/8, 12/13 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am via Zoom
To learn more, click here to view or download the workshop flyer (in English and Chinese).

Pages in Stages + program is an early reading program for parents of babies 9 months old and up.
Available Dates (pick one): 8/25, 9/22, 10/27, 11/17, 12/15 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am via Zoom
To learn more, click here to view or download the workshop flyer (in English and Chinese).

Virtual Baby Play program is a virtual interactive playgroup designed for parents and their babies from 0-18 months old.
Available Dates (welcome to join all sessions): 9/9, 10/14, 11/4, 12/9 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am AND 8/26, 9/23, 10/28, 11/18, 12/30 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm via Zoom
To learn more, click here to view or download the workshop flyer (in English and Chinese).

For questions or to register for activities, please call Wu Yee at (628) 282-1591. Please note you must be NEMS member to participate. 

You can also check out the video (in Cantonese) below to learn more about Wu Yee and the services they offer! To view the video in English, click here.